Citywide Affordable Housing Loan Committee Meeting
Meeting details
Date and time
How to participate
Request for acquisition funding for 2530 18th street
2530 18th Street Acquisition Request - $2,000,000. Homeless Prenatal Program and Mercy Housing California (Sponsors) request additional acquisition funding in the amount of $2,000,000 in Our City Our Homes funds to take out an acquisition loan from Common Spirit Health Operating Investment Pool LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to reduce holding costs while the Sponsors redesign the Project to make it more competitive for state financing. The proposed additional acquisition loan will be made to 2530 18th, LLC, a California limited liability company, an affiliate of Homeless Prenatal Program, and will increase the existing acquisition loan to $6,900,000.
Homeless Prenatal Program and Mercy Housing California
Request for approval for update to operating fees policy
The Multifamily Affordable Housing Operating Fees Policy sets forth the maximum fees related to the operations of an affordable housing project funded by the City and County of San Francisco, and was last updated in April 2016. MOHCD Staff is recommending the Committee approve the proposed revisions to the Operating Fees Policy, which seek to keep in line with industry standards for certain operating costs and address the current challenges associated with managing affordable housing assets in San Francisco.
Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development
Partner agencies
Meeting details
Date and time
How to participate
Request for acquisition funding for 2530 18th street
2530 18th Street Acquisition Request - $2,000,000. Homeless Prenatal Program and Mercy Housing California (Sponsors) request additional acquisition funding in the amount of $2,000,000 in Our City Our Homes funds to take out an acquisition loan from Common Spirit Health Operating Investment Pool LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to reduce holding costs while the Sponsors redesign the Project to make it more competitive for state financing. The proposed additional acquisition loan will be made to 2530 18th, LLC, a California limited liability company, an affiliate of Homeless Prenatal Program, and will increase the existing acquisition loan to $6,900,000.
Homeless Prenatal Program and Mercy Housing California
Request for approval for update to operating fees policy
The Multifamily Affordable Housing Operating Fees Policy sets forth the maximum fees related to the operations of an affordable housing project funded by the City and County of San Francisco, and was last updated in April 2016. MOHCD Staff is recommending the Committee approve the proposed revisions to the Operating Fees Policy, which seek to keep in line with industry standards for certain operating costs and address the current challenges associated with managing affordable housing assets in San Francisco.
Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development