Retail delivery cannabis business operations
If you deliver cannabis products to customers, you must tell us how you will run your business.
We will ask you for the following information on the delivery operations form of the cannabis business application.
Processing orders
We will ask how you will process orders for delivery, including:
- Information about your processing software
- Who receives orders
- How you will prepare orders
Delivery staff may not process orders while en route making deliveries.
Making deliveries
We will ask how products are moved onto the vehicle, stored, and get to the customer. This includes:
- What drivers will do before leaving to make deliveries
- How you will store cannabis products in the vehicle
- Navigation software drivers will use
- What drivers will do before handing the product to the customer
- What drivers will do when returning to the business after making deliveries
Your staff must use age verification technology before they hand the product to the customer.
Managing delivery staff
We will ask how you will work with your drivers and delivery staff, including:
- How they will communicate with your business while making deliveries
- What staff are allowed to do while making deliveries (taking breaks and making stops)
- How you will ensure the personal safety of your delivery staff
- How you will train all delivery staff about cannabis laws