FY2021-22 RFP Results
Results of Community Development RFPs from Fiscal Year 2021-2022
SoMa Capital Project Request for Proposals FY2021-22 (#2021-22) - Issued on 5/27/2022
Awarded to Kultivate Labs
Southeast Community Facility Access Grant Request for Proposals FY2021-22 (#2021-07) - Issued on 5/20/2022
Awarded to Five Keys Schools and Programs
Technical Assistance for Capital Projects Request for Proposals FY2021-22 (#2021-11) - Issued on 5/6/2022
Awarded to:
- San Francisco Study Center, Inc./AND Architecture + Community Planning
- Bayview Hunters Point Foundation for Community Improvement, Inc.
- Community Design Center
- Community Vision Capital & Consulting
- Corporation for Supportive Housing
CDBG-HOPWA Capital Projects Request for Proposals FY2021-22 (#2021-09) - Issued on 4/22/22
Awarded to the following organizations:
- Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco
- Mission Economic Development Agency
- Hamilton Families
- Larkin Street Youth Services
- Young Men's Christian Association of San Francisco (Bayview Branch)
- Compass Family Services
- Bayview Hunters Point Foundation for Community Improvement, Inc.
Mission Neighborhood Childcare in Affordable Housing Capital Project Request for Proposals FY2021-22 (#2021-17) - Issued on 4/20/2022
Awarded to Good Samaritan Family Resource Center of San Francisco
Sunset Chinese Cultural District Launch Request for Proposals (#2021-10) - Issued on 3/1/2022
Awarded to Wah Mei School
SF BRIDGE Digital Equity Program Request for Proposals (#2021-06) - Issued on 2/14/2022
- Funding Opportunity 1: COMMUNITY MEDIA GRANT - Digital Media Equipment, Digital Media Content Creation, Digital Media Training
- San Francisco YMCA, Bayview Hunters Point
- Funding Opportunity 2: FEDERAL CARES ACT DIGITAL EQUITY FUNDING - Digital Training, Device Distribution, Connectivity
Centers for Equity and Success
Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco
Community Tech Network
Chinatown CDC
Five Keys Schools and Programs
Organizational Capacity Building Request for Proposals (#2021-05) - Issued on 2/9/2022
Awarded to the following organizations:
- General Capacity Building
- Gum Moon Residence Hall
- Consumer Credit Counseling Service of San Francisco (BALANCE)
- Swords to Plowshares
- Bill Sorro Housing Program
- Dolores Street Community Services
- Safe & Sound
- Mission Economic Development Agency
- 3rd Street Youth Center & Clinic
- Filipino-American Development Foundation
- SF Housing Development Corporation
- Southeast Asian Development Center
- United Playaz
- Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (APILO)
- The Arc SF
- Center for Immigrant Protection DBA The LGBT Asylum Project
- GLBT Historical Society
- African American Community Stabilization Capacity Building
- Heluna Health
- African Advocacy Network
- Homeless Children's Network
- Young Community Developers
- Booker T. Washington Community Service Center
- Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center
- Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services
- Westside Community Services
- Centers for Equity and Success, Inc. (dba Success Centers)
- Potrero Hill Neighborhood House
- Community Awareness Resource Entity
- Standing in Peace International
- Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness
Westside Affordable Housing Development Community Planning and Capacity Building Request for Proposals (#2021-14) - Issued on 2/4/2022
Awarded to Self-Help for the Elderly
Allice Griffith Community Space Request for Proposals (#2021-13) - Issued on 1/24/2022
Awarded to Kaboom!
Tenant Based Rental Subsidy Programs Request for Proposals (#2021-03) - Issued on 1/10/2022
- Funding Opportunity 1: Older Adults/Adults with Disabilities- Continuing subsidies, case management & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Catholic Charities CYO of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
- Funding Opportunity 2: SRO Families- Continuing subsidies & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Chinatown Community Development Center
- Funding Opportunity 3:Persons with HIV- Continuing subsidies, case management & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Catholic Charities CYO of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
- Funding Opportunity 4: Mixed-Status Families in RAD – Continuing subsidies & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Dolores Street Community Services
- Funding Opportunity 5: Mixed-Status Families in HOPE SF – Continuing Subsidies & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Dolores Street Community Services
- Funding Opportunity 6: Anti-Displacement– New: Subsidies, case management & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Eviction Defense Collaborative
- Funding Opportunity 7: Older Adults/Adults with Disabilities– New: Subsidies, case management & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Catholic Charities CYO of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
- Funding Opportunity 8: SRO Families– New: Subsidies & subsidy program delivery
- Awarded to Chinatown Community Development Center
Transgender Direct Assistance and Support Services Request for Proposals (#2021-04) - Issued on 12/13/2021
Funding Opportunity 1: Transgender Guaranteed Income Program Pilot
Awarded to St. James Infirmary
Funding Opportunity 2: Funding to Support Transgender Workforce Development for Monolingual Latinx Immigrants
Awarded to Community Initiatives, fiscal sponsor of El/La Para TransLatinas
CDBG-CARES Act COVID-19 Response Capital Projects Request for Proposals (#2021-08) - Issued on 11/23/2021
Awarded to the following organizations:
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus
- Booker T. Washington Community Service Center
- Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco, Excelsior
- Maitri Compassionate Care
- Southwest Community Corporation
- Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco, Willie Mays Clubhouse
LGBT Music, Arts and Cultural Facility Capital Project Request for Proposals (#2021-02) - Issued on 11/23/21
Awarded to Golden Gate Performing Arts dba San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
Board and Mayoral Discretionary Grants Request for Proposals (#2021-01) - Issued on 11/17/21
Funding Opportunity 1: Coordination of Public Safety in District 4
Awarded to Wah Mei School
Funding Opportunity 2: Public Safety Program in the Southeast Asian Community in District 6 and citywide
Awarded to Southeast Asian Development Center
Funding Opportunity 3: Funding to Support Filipinx Performer/Artist Organization in District 6
Awarded to Filipino American Development Foundation
Funding Opportunity 4: Outdoor Programming for The American Indian/Indigenous Community
Awarded to Intersection for The Arts, fiscal sponsor of American Indian Cultural Center (AICC)
Funding Opportunity 5: Support Services for Formerly Homeless Veterans in Supportive Housing
Awarded to Sword to Plowshare
Funding Opportunity 6: Funding to Support an Organization Focusing on Communications and Capacity Building for American Indian/Tribal Communities
Awarded to International Indian Treaty Council
Dream Keeper Partnership Impact Grant Request for Proposals (#2021-10) - Issued on 9/24/21
Awarded to San Francisco Foundation
SoMa Services Request for Proposals - Issued on 9/2/2021
Funding opportunity 1: Access to Housing - Rental Housing Counseling
Awarded to San Francisco Study Center, fiscal sponsor of the Bill Sorro Housing Project
Funding Opportunity 2: Small Site Identification and Tenant Education
Awarded to Filipino-American Development Foundation, fiscal sponsor of South of Market Community Action Network
Funding Opportunity 3: COVID-19 Emergency Assistance for Small Businesses
Awarded to Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center
Funding Opportunity 4: Small Business Events
Awarded to Kultivate Labs
Funding Opportunity 5: Small Business Accelerator
Awarded to Kultivate Labs
Funding Opportunity 6: Culturally Competent Educational Services
Awarded to Westbay Pilipino Multi Service Center & Filipino American Development Foundation
Funding Opportunity 7: School Site Coordinator
Awarded to United Playaz
Funding Opportunity 8: Community Hub
Awarded to United Playaz
Funding Opportunity 9: Community Action Grants/Collaboratives
Awarded to Centers for Equity and Success, Inc.
Funding Opportunity 10: Trauma-Informed Community Building
No award made
Funding Opportunity 11: Trauma-Informed Training and Clinical Support at Bessie Carmichael School
Awarded to SOMA - Trauma-Informed Training and Clinical Support at Bessie Carmichael School
Mission Nonprofit Space Design Project Request for Proposals - Issued on 8/16/2021
Awarded to Mission Economic Development Agency