Find a place to stay

Shelter and services for people and families experiencing homelessness.

SF Department of Homelessness & Supportive Housing

Call 3-1-1 to make a shelter reservation or find a service provider.

Coalition on Homelessness

468 Turk Street, San Francisco

Phone: 415-346-3740 

Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP)

HAP provides legal services and supporting social services to individuals and families in San Francisco who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness, while prioritizing individuals who have mental health disabilities. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, HAP is currently conducting intakes by telephone only.

Phone: 415-575-3130 or Toll Free 1-800-405-4427  

Homeless Prenatal Program

Services for families with children or expecting a child.

2500 18th St. San Francisco, CA 94110 

Phone: 415-546-6756 


Shelter Monitoring Committee

1380 Howard Street, 1st Floor
Phone: 415-255-3642

