Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Citizen Advisory Board

Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Citizen Advisory Board

2022 meeting schedule

Meetings are held monthly on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm.


November 5, 2024 TI/YBI Citizen Advisory Board Meeting Cancellation


The Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meets regularly and provides additional as-requested expertise to the TIDA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may refer to the CAB from time to time to provide recommendations concerning the transfer and redevelopment of former Naval Station Treasure Island. Members of the CAB represent of the following categories of expertise or experience: affordable housing, marine and waterborne activities, film/television industry, Job Corps, commercial redevelopment, organized sports, the environment and open space, environmental control and remediation, organized labor, transportation planning, land use planning, economic development and job creation, and open meeting advocacy.

Board Members

  • Jim Hancock (Chair)
  • Atta Pilram (Vice Chair)
  • Tim Molinare
  • Natalie Bonnewit
  • Mark Connors 
  • Hope Williams

Contact information

Treasure Island Administration Building39 Treasure Island Road
Suite 241
San Francisco, CA 94130
Get directions

Open weekdays 9A - 5P. Closed weekends and public holidays. Contact us.


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