About the Reentry Council

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Reentry Council of the City & County of San Francisco is to coordinate local efforts to support adults exiting San Francisco County Jail, San Francisco juvenile justice out-of-home placements, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities, and the United States Federal Bureau of Prison facilities. The Council coordinates information sharing, planning, and engagement among all interested private and public stakeholders to the extent permissible under federal and state law.

Our Background

From 2005 until 2008, two ad hoc reentry councils focused on different aspects of the reentry of people from prisons and jails: the Safe Communities Reentry Council (SCRC), co-chaired by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi and Public Defender Jeff Adachi; and the San Francisco Reentry Council (SFRC), co-chaired by District Attorney Kamala D. Harris and Sheriff Michael Hennessey.

In September 2008, these efforts were unified with the formal creation of the Reentry Council of the City and County of San Francisco. The new Reentry Council was established by Ordinance 215-08, which was signed into law in September 2008, and amended in February 2009 by Ordinance 26-09 and in February 2011 by Ordinance 44-11. The first meeting of the Reentry Council was held on July 17, 2009.

Our Subcommittees

Get Involved

Attend Reentry Council Meetings

The Reentry Council encourages all those who are interested in supporting individuals who are returning from incarceration to get involved. Reentry means something different for everyone, and there are many ways you can be a part of and support this journey. The Reentry Council is committed to providing a platform for community building. We welcome all to attend Reentry Council meetings and participate in its subcommittees. All meetings are open to the public. 

Provide Public Comment

At each Reentry Council meeting, time is built into the meeting’s agenda for public comment. This is a space for you to tell the Council how San Francisco can better support reentry. If you are not able to attend a meeting in person but would like to give written public comment, please contact Victoria Westbrook (reentry.council@sfgov.org). Your voice matters - use it! 

Become a Subcommittee Member

The Reentry Council‘s subcommittee meetings offer the opportunity to learn more about the reentry process, dig into issue areas, and develop initiatives. Ideas and recommendations generated in the subcommittees are brought before the full Reentry Council for consideration. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in subcommittee meetings, with annual membership review. Contact Victoria Westbrook  (reentry.council@sfgov.org) for more information. 

Agencies and Departments Represented

Adult Probation Department 

Office of the Mayor

Board of Supervisors

Juvenile Probation Department

Sheriff's Office

Police Department

District Attorney's Office

Public Defender's Office

Department of Public Health

Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing

Human Services Agency

Office of Economic and Workforce Development

Superior Court of California - County of San Francisco

Department of Children, Youth & Their Families

Department of Child Support Services

California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation

United States Probation