About the Homelessness Oversight Commission (HOC)


The Homelessness Oversight Commission (“HOC”) launched in May 2023 after San Francisco voters approved the creation of the Commission through a ballot measure in November 2022. It is the main body that oversees HSH’s work. There are seven seats on the HOC. The HOC’s main responsibilities include:

  • Approving budgets
  • Formulating annual and long-term goals
  • Establishing departmental performance standards
  • Holding hearings and taking testimony
  • Conducting public education and outreach
  • Conducting performance audits of HSH’s service delivery

The HOC will also:

  • Appoint all members of the Local Homeless Coordinating Board (LHCB) and receive advice from the LHCB on federal Continuum of Care (CoC) programs
  • Appoint all members of the Shelter Grievance Advisory Committee (SGAC) and receive an annual written report from SGAC
  • Appoint all members of the Shelter Monitoring Committee (SMC) and receive regular reports from the SMC
  • Receive advice and recommendations from the Our City, Our Home Oversight (OCOH) Committee on the administration of Prop C (2018) funding
