Point-in-Time Youth Survey Results

Explore the latest Point-in-Time Youth Survey results using an interactive dashboard

The dashboard below includes data from the youth supplemental survey conducted as part of the PIT Survey process. The youth supplemental survey was developed and administered with input and support from youth providers and elicits key insights into the needs of San Francisco’s unhoused people aged 24 and under. In 2024, 120 youth supplemental surveys were completed and validated.

Data notes and sources

Data Source

Communities receiving federal funding for homelessness services conduct a Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of people experiencing homelessness. The PIT Count is the primary source of nationwide data on homelessness. Following the sheltered and unsheltered count, and in partnership with outreach organizations and peer surveyors, the city and county of San Francisco conducts an in-person interview of sheltered and unsheltered individuals. The survey is developed and adjusted over time with guidance from HUD

Data from the survey is used to infer the Point-in-Time Count estimates for the unsheltered count, as well as inform city wide homelessness initiatives. For more information about the methodology of this PIT survey see Appendix A of this year’s PIT report. (link)

Reporting Frequency

This dashboard shows PIT data from the most recent PIT survey as of spring 2024 and will be updated following the next PIT survey in the spring of 2026.

Data Notes

  • Data can be viewed over time for a specific question. Data in this dashboard extends to the past 5 surveys from 2015 to 2024. 
  • Data for the following questions regarding the respondent’s household members and demographics of household members were left out of the dashboard due to a low response rate and concerns around anonymity.

For additional information including detailed data notes, key terms, and metrics, see the dashboard documentation.