Thinking about the future of technology

San Francisco’s guiding technology vision is to provide government services that are available and universally accessible in times of crisis and beyond.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Plan describes our strategies and recommendations for the next 5 years.

Strategic goals

Online and Accessible City Services Residents Can Use

Redesigning our operations and innovating with new services is key to modernization.

City Operations that are Efficient and Cost-Effective

Our technology solutions must continue to find ways to improve efficiency so that we can improve the quality of our services without increasing costs.

IT Infrastructure You Can Trust

Much like capital projects, technology infrastructure requires continual maintenance and investment to ensure critical systems are available at all times.

More about our strategy

Citywide Service Inventory

Citywide Service Inventory

The Citywide Service Inventory is the most comprehensive view of the services offered by the City & County of San Francisco.

See the full dataset.

Attend our public meetings

Join our public meetings and other events that impact San Francisco technology.


Committee on Information Technology (COIT) is the main governance body that makes decisions regarding the future of San Francisco’s technology. The Committee is composed of 13 department heads that represent each of the major service areas.